Pope Francis, who has been admitted to Rome’s Gemelli Hospital for treatment of bronchitis since Friday, has been diagnosed with pneumonia and is undergoing a renewed course of treatment based.
Despite his ongoing hospitalization for treatment of what the Vatican has said is a polymicrobial respiratory infection, Pope Francis has continued calling the Catholic parish in Gaza nightly, its...
After two days of resting and diagnostic tests at Rome’s Gemelli Hospital, Pope Francis is now undergoing treatment for a polymicrobial respiratory infection, and his clinical status has been defined...
+Elena Ornelas +Ramon Álvarez +Martin Y. Álvarez +Consuelo C. Garza M/M Ramon Cunanan
Tues. January 21
6 PM
Communion Service
Wed. January 22
6 PM
Communion Service
Thur. January 23
5:45 PM
No Holy Hour
7 PM
No Mass and No Confession
Fri. January 24
6 PM
Communion Service
Sat. January 25
4 PM
+Mariana R. García +María Elizabeth Rincón +Jaime Huerta +Estefana Lira +Rafael Sierra
Sun. January 26
8 AM
+Quelifido Martínez +Jorge García Rivas +Carlos Jaimez
10 AM
Pro Populo
+Emma Tijerina +Angelina Parra +Pedro Álvarez +Elías María Flores +Martin R. Álvarez
Pray for all Priests who will be out on Retreat this week.
Thursday, January 23
No Mass
No Holy Hour & Confessions
St. Blaise, Blessing of Throats
Saturday February 1 & Sunday February 2
Blaise was a physician and Bishop of Sebastea in historical Armenia. According to the Acta Sanctorum, he was martyred by being beaten, attacked with iron combs, and beheaded. He is the patron saint of throats.
Thank You All Parishioners, Food Pantry, Guadalupanas, Knights of Columbus and all for helping take down Christmas decorations and lights
Parroquianos, despensas, Guadalupanas, Caballeros de Colon, y todos demás por la ayuda para quitar decoraciones Navideñas.
Food Pantry/Despensa Will be closed Tuesday, January 21
Oficina de Despensa estará cerrada Martes 21 de Enero
Fountain of Mercy Ministries Presents: 13th Annual Divine Mercy Conference
Living the Faith at Performing Arts 471 E. 6th Street, Weslaco, TX 78596 Saturday February 8, 2025 Mass: 7 AM
Conference 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Father Donald Calloway,
Auxiliary Bishop Mario Avilés
Moira Noonan
Music by Jestus Brothers
Continental breakfast and lunch being served.
Tickets $30.00
Call (956) 351-5978 for information.
Knights of Columbus Corporate Mass
Saturday, February 8 4 PM Mass
First Saturday Mass February 1 7 AM
First Friday Mass February 7 6 PM Mass
Would You Like to be an Altar Server? ¿Te gustaría ser un ¿Monaguillo?
We need students that would like to serve Jesus. Necesitamos estudiantes que quieran servir a Jesús.
Training available—Formación disponible.
Call to join—Llama para unirte: (956) 423-1765
Child must be in preparation to receive or have already received their First Holy Communion and be attending CCE.
El niño debe estar preparado para recibir o ya han recibido su Primera Comunión y asisten a CCE.
Annual World Marriage Day will be celebrated on Saturday, February 22, 2025 at 2:00 p.m.
The Most Reverend Daniel E. Flores will celebrate Holy Mass at the Basilica of Our Lady of San Juan del Valle National Shrine for those couples celebrating a wedding anniversary of 10, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60 or more than 60 years in the year 2025.
They are invited to participate in person or may join through the livestream that will be provided on Facebook and YouTube. These couples will receive by mail ribbons designating years of marriage and an anniversary certificate signed by the Bishop.
Please provide your full names, mailing address, anniversary date and number years being celebrated.
Guadalupanas Breakfast (Almuerzos)
Sundays 7 AM – Noon Parish Hall (Salon)
February 16
February 23
March 2
March 16
March 23
March 30
April 6
May 18
May 25
Protecting God's Children Training
Tues. Mar.25, 2025 6:30 PM Conference Room
Mon. May 19, 2025 6 PM CCE Hall Room #5
Parishioners 2025 Offertory Envelopes
If you have 2024 leftover envelopes, throw them away and use only 2025 envelopes. If you don’t have envelopes, register in office to pick up envelopes.
Life Teen
Required for all Confirmation Prep & Christian Initiation Students: Grades 9 - 12
Sundays Noon Mass + 1 PM - 3 PM Conference Room - Parish Hall
Youth Leaders Needed!
Call (956) 423-1765 or come by the CCE office for more information.
Please Dress Appropriately for Mass & CCE
No Shorts, No crop tops or revealing blouses or dresses; no obscene/vulgar t-shirts or clothing promoting alcohol/drug use, etc.
Requerida para asistencia. Identificación con foto de persona, dos facturas con mismas direcciones, y vivir en el límite de la Iglesia de la Asunción.
Food Pantry Needs
Rice (One-pound bag only)
Dispensa de Alimentos Necesitamos donaciones de arroz, bolsa de una libra Would You Like to be an Altar Server? ¿Te gustaría ser un ¿Monaguillo?
We need students that would like to serve Jesus.
Necesitamos estudiantes que quieran servir a Jesús. Training available—Formación disponible.
Call to join—Llama para unirte: (956) 423-1765
Child must be in preparation to receive or have already received their First Holy Communion and be attending CCE.
El niño debe estar preparado para recibir o ya han recibido su Primera Comunión y asisten a CCE. The Five Precepts
1.“You shall attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation.” 2.“Confess your sins at least once a year." 3.“Receive the sacrament of the Eucharist during the Easter season.” 4.“You shall observe the days of fasting and abstinence established by the church.” 5.“You shall help to provide for the needs of the Church."
Guía para la Cuaresma 2023 Los Cinco Preceptos
1. “Usted asistirá a Misa los domingos y días Santos de Obligación.” 2. "Confiesa tus pecados al menos una vez al año.” 3. "Recibe el Sacramento de la Eucaristía durante la temporada de Pascua.” 4. “Observarás los días de ayuno y abstinencia establecidos por la iglesia.” 5. "Tú ayudarás a satisfacer las necesidades de la iglesia. Sanctus with phonetic pronounciations
Ple-ni sunt cae-li et ter-ra glo-ri-a tu-a PLAY-nee soont CHAY-lee et TEHR-rah GLO-ree-ah TOO-AH
Ho-san-na in ex-cel-sis Ho-SAWN-na een eck-SHELL-sees
Be-ne-dic-tus Beh-neh-DEEK-toos
Qui ve-nit in no-mi-ne Do-mi-ni Kwee veh-neet in NO-mee-nay DOH-mee-nee
Ho-san-na in ex-Cel-sis Ho-SAWN-na een eck-SHELL-sees
Dressing for Holy Mass
Girls/Ladies: No shorts or pajama pants, tights.
NO low-cut, bare-back, bare shouldered, halter, spaghetti strap, strapless, or bare-midriff (crop top) dresses or blouses, or T-shirts with obscene or vulgar messages and pictures.
Boys/Men are NOT allowed to wear shorts, muscle shirts/sleeveless shirts or T-shirts/jackets with obscene or vulgar messages & pictures; or logos promoting alcohol and/or other illicit substances.
Hats, caps, sunglasses; bandanas, “beanies”, hoodies; or any other headgear may NOT be worn in class or Mass.
Cell phones; iPods; iPads; Ear Pods; Apple Watches; or any type of electronic games or paging devices are NOT allowed in Church or CCE.
Give honor to God with your very best!
Saint Jacinta suffered tremendously while at the hospital from frequent fevers from an abscess on her side, pneumonia, and tuberculosis. Hardest of all was that she suffered alone, without family or friends. During her stay there, she confided in those who cared for her, several things of great importance that Our Lady of Fatima had told her:
“More souls go to hell because of sins of impurity more than any other.”
“Certain fashions are going to be introduced that will offend Our Lord very greatly and those who serve God should not follow them.”
Modesty is decency. It inspires one’s choice of clothing. It keeps silence or reserve where there is evident risk of unhealthy curiosity. It is discreet. – CCC, Paragraph 2522
Vestirse para la Santa Misa
Santa Jacinta sufrió tremendamente mientras estaba en el hospital con fiebres frecuentes, por un absceso en su costado, pulmonía y tuberculosis. Lo más difícil de todo fue que sufrió sola, sin familia ni amigos.
Durante su estancia allí, confió a la Madre Godinho que la cuidaba, y varias cosas de gran importancia que Nuestra Señora de Fátima le había dicho:
"Más almas van al infierno a causa de los pecados de impureza más que cualquier otro."
"Se van a introducir ciertas modas que ofenderán mucho a Nuestro Señor y aquellos que sirven a Dios no deben seguirlo.
La modestia es decencia. Inspira la elección de la ropa. Guarda silencio o reserva cuando existe un riesgo evidente de curiosidad malsana. Es discreto. – CCC, Paragraph 2522
Instructions on Receiving Holy Communion with Proper Reverence
Hand When you approach, do not go stretching out your open hands or having your fingers spread out, but make the left hand into a throne for the right which shall receive the King, and then cup your open hand and the Body of Christ, the Minister will say “Body/Blood of Christ”; you will respond, by saying 'Amen.'
When receiving in the hand: You must eat the host there and not move out with it in your hand.
Tongue The Minister will say “Body/Blood of Christ”; you will respond, by saying 'Amen.' Open your mouth, the Priest will place the Host on your tongue.
Note: We have found hosts in between the pew on the carpet; if you see something, say something. Formed.org is a website where you can find amazing Catholic videos, movies, audio talks and e-books. It’s completely FREE when you sign up with the parish code VBG9JB. Think of it as Netflix for Catholics.
Formed.org es un sitio web el cual podra encontrar maravillo contenido Católico en Español como; películas, platicas, libros etc., completamente GRATUITO cuando se registre con el código parroquial VBG9JB.
Como el pueblo de Dios, cada uno de nosotros está llamado a celebrar, promover, y, si es necesario, defender la vida y la dignidad de todas personas. Tenemos que tratar a cada persona con respecto, y hacer lo posible para asegurar que nunca se dañe a los demás. Una sospecha de mala conducta con los menores de edad, cometida por el personal laico de la iglesia, deberá reportarse al párroco de la iglesia, al director de la escuela, o al encargado de la institución católica en cuestión. Una sospecha de mala conducta con los menores de edad cometida por un sacerdote, diácono, o religioso deberá reportarse directamente al Señor Obispo o al Vicario General al (P.O. Box 2279, Brownsville, TX 78522- 2279; 956-542-2501). Una forma para un Aviso Confidencial de Inquietud (Confidential Notice of Concern) puede obtenerse a través del párroco local, del director de la escuela, del encargado de la institución, de la Diócesis, o puede bajarse de la página oficial de Internet de la Diócesis de Brownsville (www.cdob.org). Por favor recuerde que hay una ley estatal que cualquier persona que sospeche el abuso o la negligencia hacia un menor de edad debe reportarlo a las autoridades oficiales locales o al Departamento de Servicios Familiares y Protectores de Texas (Texas Department of Family and Protective Services) al 1-800-252-5400. Nuestra fe nos asegura que el mal no nos vencerá, pero que venceremos al mal con el bien (cf. Rm 12:21).
Listening to the Voice of God
Change your whole experience of the Mass. Sunday, when you walk into Mass pray, God show me one way in this Mass I can become the best version of myself this week!
Choose a small notebook where you can write down what you heard God telling you each week. Use the moments of silence, father provides during the Mass to meditate on what you heard God telling you. This habit is designed to enrich your experience of the Mass, to teach you how to listen to God’s voice and to deepen your daily spiritually. After Mass discuss with your family what each one heard God say!
Escuchando la voz de Dios
Enriquece tu experiencia en la Misa dominical. Cada domingo cuando llegas a misa ora, “Dios mío, ¿de qué manera puedo convertirme en la mejor versión de Mi mismo esta semana? Escoge un pequeño cuaderno en donde escribas lo que escuchaste que te dijo Dios en cada Semana. Usa los momentos de silencio que el sacerdote provee durante la misa para meditar lo que escuchaste que Dios te contesto. Este es un hábito que está diseñado para enriquecer tu experiencia en la Misa dominical, para enseñarte como escuchar la voz de Dios, y para profundizar tu espiritualidad diaria ¡Después de Misa conversa con tu familia que escucho cada quien! FORMED.org/register Enter ParishCode:VBG9JB
FORMED is a website where you can find amazing Catholic videos, movies, audio talks and e-books. Access to the website is completely free when you sign up with the parish code shown above.
Think of it as Netflix for Catholics.
Inscribirse en el Internet a: FORMED.org/register Entre El Código o de la Parroquia: VBG9JB
Es un sitio donde lo mejor que hay en el contenido Católico con mas de 60 organizaciones para ayudar a las Parroquias, familias y personas que quieren explorar su fe. Tendrá acceso a miles de Videos Católicos con programas para estudiar, películas, documentarios, audios de platicas, y libros audio. Le haran que estos materiales le faciliten un viaje spiritual.
Catholic Radio in Harlingen FM 99.9/88.9 Food Distribution Ministry
Once a month driver, food packers, to set up and distribute commodities/food. We will need 8 persons per team. Pick up food in our Parish Van from diocese and distribute commodities/food for one hour to the community.
Call office for information if interest at (956) 423-4670.
Ministerio de Distribución de Alimentos
Una vez al mes choferes, y empacadores, para organizar y distribuir comida. Necesitaremos un equipo de 8 personas.
Levantar comida en la Van de la Parroquia, de la Diocesis, para repartir por una hora a la comunidad. Llame a la oficina para más información sí está interesado al (956) 423-4670. Weekly Offertory & Daily Collections
We have plastic boxes at the entrance doors in the Church for you to drop off Offertory Envelopes or currency contributions, also in front of the office in the black box you can drop off.
Sobres de Ofertorio y Contribución durante la Semana En las entradas de las puertas de la Iglesia hay cajas de plástico para depositar su sobre de Ofertorio o su contribución. También en frente de la oficina en la caja negra puede depositarlos.